To be radical makes you homeless and rootless.
To be radical, of course, means to seize a matter at its roots. More radical Christian faith can only mean committing oneself without reserve to the 'crucified God'. This is dangerous. It does not promise the confirmation of one's own conceptions, hopes, and good intentions. It promises first of all the pain of repentance and fundamental change. It offers no recipe for success. But it brings a confrontation with the truth. It is not positive and constructive, but is in the first instance critical and destructive. It does not bring man into a better harmony with himself and his environment, but into contradiction with himself and his environment. It does not create a home for him and integrate him into society, but makes him 'homeless' and 'rootless', and liberates him in following Christ who was homeless and rootless. The 'religion of cross', if faith on this basis can never be so called, does not elevate and edify in the usual sense, but scandalizes; and most of all it scandalizes one's 'co-religionists' in one's own circle. But by this scandal, it brings liberation into a world which is not free.
- The CRUCIFIED GOD - JURGEN MOLTMANN, Fortress Press, page 39
새로운 세계를 꿈구는 것도 쉽지는 않지만, 그 쪽으로 들어간다는 것은 대단한 모험이며 때로는 비싼 값을 지불해야 되는 일이라고 늘 생각해왔다. 자신의 comfort zone을 벗어나는 것은 누구나를 지극히 불안하게 만든다.
신앙에서 이미 믿고 있던 것을 떠나서 새로운 패러다임의 세계로 들어가려는 자세는
위험을 감수하려는 각오와 다시 원점으로 돌아올지도 모른다는 사실을 인식하지 않고서는,
자칫 길을 잃고 헤메게 될 뿐 아니라 실망과 좌절로 끝날 가능성이 아주 높다.
새로운 패러다임(emerging paradigm)으로 세상을 보고 이해하려는 것 보다는,
이제까지의 패러다임(earlier paradigm)에 집착하는 이유이기도 하다.
몰트만의 책에서 나의 생각을 잘 표현하는 구절을 발견했을 때의 책 읽기의 보람!
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