Our Vision, Our Mission

Our Vision, Our Mission


Saegil Christian Church (DOC) aims to be biblical, historical, and ecumenical.


We find our identity in the tradition of biblical faiths, particularly witnessed in the life and teaching of Jesus Christ.


We understand that biblical faiths were situated at concrete historical times and spaces. Subsequent Christian understandings of biblical traditions also gave rise to differing historical, culture-bound groups of Christians.


Inasmuch as our faiths all confess that Jesus is the Christ, we are united in the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. We are open to brothers and sisters of differing faiths in the hope of unity in diversity.


Our mission is to nurture and support congregations, encourage initiatives of Christian stewardship, promote ecumenical activities, and provide resources for ministry, outreach and education. This mission shall be accomplished in the following four essential areas


To rejoice in God and in the covenant of love which binds us to God and one another.


To educate congregations in the basics of who we are as the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and in the understanding of Christian faith and practice.


To work for peace as agents of Jesus Christ’s justice and ministry by calling our congregations to work in their neighborhoods and together in the region and throughout the world.


To nurture and encourage loving and committed relationships in congregations and in the larger community.

사명 선언문위원회에서 준비한 내용 : 최영숙, 박원일, 원대연, 박소영

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