
Mid-Week Messenger, June 18, 2014


이번 주일 4:00 pm에 버뱅크 교회 Janet Morris을 추모하는 예배를 드림에 따라, 우리가 친교실을 3:00 pm 까지 비워주기로 했습니다. (꽃 장식, 테이블 셋업 등 할 일이 많은가 봅니다.) 필요에 따라 지하실 큰 식당을 사용할 수는 있습니다.

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Mid-Week Messenger

Sunday, June 22, 2014 

Sermon: Galatians 6:6-10

Scripture: In Due Season

Nevertheless, the one who receives instruction in the word should share all good things with their instructor.  Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reep destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.  Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

Funeral Service for
Hiroko Seki Blanco  
mother of Ali Blanco
will be held at  
First Christian Church of Burbank  
Friday, June 20 at 1:00PM in the sanctuary.   


A celebration of Janet Morris' life 
will be held at First Christian Church of Burbank on June 22nd at 4:00pm. A reception will follow in the Upper Fellowship Hall. If you would like to bring a dish to share, it would be greatly appreciated.

In lieu of flowers, a memorial fund has been established in Janet's name at First Christian Church of Burbank.

Report from 2014 Annual
Congregational Meeting

The Annual Congregational Meeting was held a 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, June 8, 2014. The proposed 2014-15 Budget was approved as submitted. The proposed slate of officers was amended with three nominations from the floor to fill vacant positions: Louie Brinker for Trustee, Mandy Hillig for Elder, and Kathy Grill for Deacon. The amended slate of officers was approved.

A proposed Amendment to the Constitution concerning Trustees' duties had been tabled at the June 2013 Congregational Meeting. It was again tabled, awaiting any other changes or recommendations which may come from the Strategic Planning process.

Copies of the budget and the annual reports were distributed at the meeting and are still available in the narthex.

Cinda Cates, Church Clerk

Member Updates/Prayer Requests
Continue to keep Marjorie and Les Jonkey in your prayers for full recovery. Cards and visits are welcome.
Marcia Young has moved to Vintage Burbank, 2729 Willow ST, Room 404, Burbank, 91505. Her phone number has not changed.
Paul Frantz and Tad appreciate all the help they have received from their church family. Struggles continue, however. If you would like to help in some way, call and talk with Tad.
Barbara McLay has moved to Le Bleu Chateau, 1900/1911 Grismer AVE, Burbank, 91504. She may appreciate "thinking of you" cards from her church family.
Charline Cooper continues with  her cancer treatment. Keep her and family Robert, Robby & Ethan in your prayers.
Lois Steckel has moved to a retirement home. Anyone wishing to have her new contact information, please call the office during office hours.
Helen LeValley had a bad fall and is at home recuperating. Please remember her in your prayers.
Frank Tullo learned that the alternative cancer treatment he has been receiving at Duke University is not as successful as he once thought. Please keep him in your prayers.

Meditation & Prayer

Silence is hard to find in our busy modern life. Yet, silence has been an integral quality of spiritual practices throughout history. We are offering two times for you to participate in a time of "spiritual silence" in our beautiful chapel. We hope you avail yourself of these opportunities and find them meaningful.

Sunday 8:15-8:45 AM
We will begin with 15 minutes of silence, then read a passage of scripture on which to meditate. We will close this time with a brief verbal prayer or the ring of a bell.



Who's Serving This Week

Jen Payne

9:30:     Marina Melikian
Marina Melikian

Scripture Readers
9:30:     Sam Engel Jr.

11:00:   Dave Engel

Nursery Help

Donna Connolly

June 22nd - Ken Truitner and Friends

We have no one signed up after this week!!!
You can use the sign up sheet in the narthex on Sunday and find a date for yourself to help with the fellowship. If you sign up and need help, let us know and someone will call you to partner you with another person.


Ladies Lunch Bunch
Thurs, June 19th, 12:00pm
China Inn
214 S. San Fernando Road, Burbank

Choir Rehearsal
Thurs, June 19th, 6:30pm
Classroom A-203

Worship Band Rehearsal 
Thurs, June 19th, 7:30pm

Mens Group

Instead of our regular meeting we will have a guided meditation on Sunday (6/22) morning at 8:00 AM in the chapel.


Congratulations to

Mande and Drew Stedman
on the birth of their daughter

Lyra James
Born June 5th, 9:58PM in Westerville, OH
9lbs 1oz   20.1 inches

Trevor and Jenny Hands
on their recent nuptials
Married June 14, 2014


Birthdays & Anniversaries


June 5:      Sam Engel Jr.
June 11:    Brian Hurst
June 13:    Emma Grill
June 14:    Carri Sullens
June 15:    Sarah Northrip
June 21:    Gigi Boratgis
June 23:    Mario Moogan
June 24:    Soo Yun
June 26:    Robby Cooper

June 3:     Terri & Steve Borgard
June 7:      Matt & Jennifer Payne
June 12:    Millie & Sam Engel
June 23:    Sarah & Timothy Northrip
June 27:    Sandy & Dave Engel


Missed A Sermon?
Listen or subscribe to audio of previous sermons here:Previous Sermons

Stay Up-To-The-Minute Online
Church Calendar


Kids Corner
The Nursery is open for both services and we have lessons for children Pre-K thru 5th Grade in the Children's Center during both services.

Sunday, June 22nd
Acts 2:38-39

BTAC Food Pantry Help

Please bring a non-perishable food item for BTAC to service every Sunday. Keep bringing those grocery sacks (plastic and paper). Egg cartons are especially needed!!!

Treasurer's Report

Tithes and Offerings

May, 2014
Actual           $  14.820
Budget         $    9,708
Difference    $   5,112

Actual            $121,565
Budget          $114,069
Difference     $    7,496

~~ Steve Cates, Treasurer


Like us on Facebook!

Phone: 818-845-7459
Email: burbankchristian@att.net (Office)
Web: BurbankChristian.org
Pastor's Phone: 818-321-5623 

Our mailing address is:
First Christian Church of Burbank
221 S. Sixth Street
BurbankCalifornia 91501

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Copyright (C) 2014 First Christian Church of Burbank All rights reserved.

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