11시 버뱅크교회 영어 예배 안내
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우리도 버뱅크 교회와 Youth Program을 공유함에 따라, 학생들을 11시 예배에 보내 주시기 바랍니다.
아래 Mid-Week Messenger 중간 부분, Communion and Children을 참조하세요.
Mid-Week Messenger Sunday, May 4, 2014 Bob Kinzel Giving Sermon This Week Sermon: Relay for Life Scripture: Phil. 3: 12-14 Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect; but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brethren, I do not consider that I have made it my own; but one thing I do forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Communion and Children First Sundays of the Month As a church we want to involve our children in 'adult' worship, while also allowing the children to have worship and fellowship opportunities that are appropriate for their age. We have tried to balance having the kids observe and participate in worship, while also having their own worship space and time. On the first Sunday of each month, we will make arrangements to have the children join the adults in worship for the communion time. It will be up to each individual family, whether you would like your child to take the cup and the bread or merely observe. We will have a children's message and then dismiss the children to sit with their families before communion is served. The nursery aged children will stay in the nursery. Relay For Life 2014 begins THIS SATURDAY May 3rd to Sunday, May 4th Start time is 9am and the event ends at 9 am the following day. Cancer has affected many of us and our families, which makes eliminating this awful disease a cause close to our hearts. By participating in this important event, you get to experience a powerful and inspiring weekend to celebrate those who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against this disease. If you want to join our team, you can raise money in any creative way you choose. For instance, Erica King has made some of her lovely jewelry and will donate a portion of the proceeds to our team (and just in time for Mother's Day)! Please ask her about it if you want to support her efforts to fight cancer! If you haven't signed up for this year's Relay, please register today at http://www.relayforlife.org/burbankca to help us save more lives from cancer and end this disease. Our team name is First Christian Church of Burbank. Please contact team captain Jennifer Payne with any questions. Tijuana Home Build May 17 We will build a small home for a family living on the outskirts of Tijuana with Project Mercy. Everyone is welcome to join in this trip and no special skills are necessary. Please RSVP with Pastor Steve. Here is some brief information on the family who will be receiving the home: "Garcia Duarte Family"
Walk a Lap With Beth Chiaravalle @ Relay for Life Member Updates/Prayer Requests Continue to keep Marjorie and Les Jonkey in your prayers for full recovery. Meditation & Prayer Saturday 7:30-8:30 AM A bell will ring to mark the beginning and end of the silent time. If you enter after 7:30AM, you are welcome - just enter quietly if you can. Sunday 8:15-8:45 AM We will begin with 15 minutes of silence, then read a passage of scripture on which to meditate. We will close this time with a brief verbal prayer or the ring of a bell. | Who's Serving This Week Elders Diane Cripe Deacons 9:30: Jacqueline Kennedy 11:00: Jacqueline Kennedy Scripture Readers 9:30: Sam Engel, Sr. 11:00: Louie Brinker Nursery Help Beth Klinger May 4th - Dave & Sandy Engel Choir Rehearsal Worship Band Rehearsal
**The Disciples' Avocate** The Spring 2014 edition is online at https://www.discipleshomemissions.org/dhm/get-involved/disciples-advocate/ This issue has a lot of information of interest to Seniors, aka "The Grey Brigade"! Food for thought AND discussion. Upper Room, May-June
Tijuana Home Build May 17th All Day Birthdays & Anniversaries Birthdays May 1 Tabitha Moogan May 4: Aiden Cates May 4: David DeVoss May 4: Carol Ordelheide May 5: Erin Clark May 9: Diane Cripe May 9: Aaron Monroy May 11: Carolyn Purser May 11: EmJae Shaw May 15: Marina Melikian May 15: Rebecca Augustus May 16: Rachel McCrickard May 19: Jeanette Barbosa May 23: Helen Cates May 23: Kevin Connolly May 24: Eddie Barbosa Anniversaries May 20: Peggy & John Battey Missed A Sermon? Listen or subscribe to audio of previous sermons here: Kids Corner The Nursery is open for both services and we have lessons for children Pre-K thru 5th Grade in the Children's Center during both services. Sunday, May 4th Jesus is Risen: The Road to Emmaus Luke 24:28-35 Prayers for fellow DOC Churches According to the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Facebook page, two of our denomination's congregations suffered damages this week. First Christian Church of Tupelo, Mississippi (Ashley Dulaney's home town) was completely destroyed by a tornado that hit the town Monday afternoon. Also Monday, First Christian Church of Washington, N.C. (built in 1891) had a large fire. Week of Compassion is ready to help both churches. If you are a Facebook member, check out (and "like") our denomination's page. BTAC Food Pantry Help |
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