요한복음과 예수공동체

제15강. 예수 없이, 예수 앞에서(요한복음 15-17장)


So our coming of age forces us to a true recognition of our situation vis-à-vis God. God is teaching us that we must live as men who can get along very well without him. The God who is with us is the God who forsakes us (Mark 15:34). The God who makes us live in this world without using him as a working hypothesis is the God before whom we are ever standing. Before God and with him we live without God. God allows himself to be edged out of the world and onto the cross. God is weak and powerless in the world, and that is exactly the way, the only way, in which he can be with us and help us. (Bonhoeffer, Letter of July 16, 1944.)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


Before God and with him we live without God. 줄여서 보통 하느님 없이, 하느님 앞에서라고 말하는데, 본헤퍼가 옥중서신에서 남긴 말이다. 우리들 말로, 세상의 이데올로기로 점철된 하느님 없이라고 이해한다면, 요한복음 15-17장은 예수가 세상을 떠난 후, 예수 공동체가 어떻게 살아야 할까를 보여준다. “예수 없이, 예수 앞에서.”



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